St Paul's Serving
Mass Times.
Sunday 10.00 am
Weekdays as announced
Reconcilliation Sunday 9.30 am or by appointment
Baptisms by appointment
Marriages by appointment
Annointing of the Sick by appointment
Mission Support
The Diocesan Mission Council aims to help the people of the Diocese to experience our call to mission as a community of people living and sharing our faith through presence and relationship.It is a call that surpasses age, race, and gender to evangelize, to become aware and to love.It is a call to commit your time and energy to others, and a call to be challenged.The call to mission is a call to be involved.It can be local, national or international.
Bishop Henry's Message
February 2008
My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ:
The Christian spirit has always been animated by a passion to lead all humanity to Christ in the Church. The outreach to others expands the network of friendship with Christ which connects heaven and earth, different continents and ages. It is entrance into the gift of communion with Christ, which is new life enlivened by charity and the commitment to justice.This outreach requires taking into account the hopes, sufferings and concrete situations in an experience of sharing, a characteristic of true friendship, and is a valuable occasion for witnessing and for Christian proclamation.It is my fond hope that Mission Council will continue to be a bearer of the presence of God and an instrument of true humanization in our broken world.
Sincerely Yours in Christ,
F. B. HenryBishop of Calgary
Parish Council
Role and Function of the Parish Pastoral Councils
Canon Law provides for the formation of Parish Pastoral Councils in Canon 536 #1.
"In every parish of the diocese, a Pastoral Council shall be established, if the diocesan Bishop, after consulting with the Council of Presbyters, so decides. The pastor presides over the Pastoral Council. The Pastoral Council is composed of members of the congregation together with those of the parish staff who have pastoral care by reason of their office. The Pastoral Council assists in promoting pastoral action in the parish."
From Chapter V: The Pastoral Council
Can. 511. In each diocese, to the extent that pastoral circumstances recommend it, a pastoral council is to be established whose responsibility it is to investigate under the authority of the bishop all those things which pertain to pastoral works, to ponder them and to propose practical conclusions about them.
Can. 512. §1. The pastoral council consists of Christian faithful who are in full communion with the Catholic Church, clerics, members of institutes of consecrated life and especially lay persons, who are designated in a manner determined by the diocesan bishop.
§2. The Christian faithful who are appointed to the pastoral council are to be so selected that the entire portion of the people of God which constitutes the diocese is truly reflected, with due regard for the diverse regions, social conditions and professions of the diocese as well as the role which they have in the apostolate, either as individuals or in conjunction with others.
§3. No one except Christians of proven faith, good morals and outstanding prudence are to be appointed to the pastoral council.
Can. 513. §1. The pastoral council is to be established for a period of time according to the prescriptions of the statutes which are issued by the bishop.
§2. When the see is vacant the pastoral council ceases to exist.
Can. 514. §1. It pertains exclusively to the diocesan bishop to convoke the pastoral council according to the necessities of the apostolate and to preside over it; the pastoral council enjoys only a consultative vote; it is for the bishop alone to make public what has been done in the council.
§2. The pastoral council is to be convoked at least once a ycar.
From Chapter Vl: Parishes, Pastors and Parochial Vicars
Can. 536. §1. After the diocesan bishop has listened to the presbyteral council and if he judges it opportune. a pastoral council is to be established in each parish; the pastor presides over it, and through it the Christian faithful along with those who share in the pastoral care of the parish in virtue of their office give their help in fostering pastoral activity.
§2. This pastoral council possesses a consultative vote only and is governed by norms determined by the diocesan bishop.
Can. 537. Each parish is to have a finance council which is regulated by universal law as well as by norms issued by the diocesan bishop; in this council the Christian faithful, selected according to the same norms, aid the pastor in the administration of parish goods with due regard for the prescription of can. 532.
Eucharistic Adoration
It is never in God’s nature to ask anything of believers without first empowering us. Before Jesus instructs the Twelve with details on their upcoming mission, they are given power and authority. To do not as they might choose, but rather to accomplish the task laid out before them. They’ve even been warned that rejection will be an all too common characteristic of their mission. Most of us preparing for even a simple business trip or vacation can fret over any number of details. Do I have this and that and have I forgotten anything? The only thing Jesus tells his twelve to bring is the gift he has just given them. But still in every sense, this journey is an all-inclusive. They and we are going to have to depend on others for food, shelter, and clothing. God’s providence and generosity! It’s a huge leap of faith. How many of us today would venture out anywhere with such few provisions? Remember they are not going on retreat, but instead are being put to work.
The power and authority God continues to bestow upon his chosen ones is bestowed to fill us with confidence and comfort in times of difficulty. It is connection to an authority that renders perfect service to humankind. Jesus does not abandon his twelve neither then, nor will God abandon us today. We have his full attention because it is His work we engage. Our own work is quite temporal but God’s work is eternal. Spreading the Gospel of Love through service and charity is the employment of all the Baptized. With believing in God’s faithfulness and affirming that belief in holy Eucharist we receive a measure of God’s strength, being tooled and equipped to reflect this majesty throughout the communities to which we belong.